What is a Homunculus
A Sensory Homunculus serves as an objective map illustrating the intricate connection between the brain and the body. It provides a topographic representation of how sensory information is distributed throughout both. In this representation, the amount of brain cortex dedicated to any specific body region directly corresponds to the size of that region. This proportional relationship vividly demonstrates the significance of various body parts in sensory perception and processing. Consequently, areas of the body with less numerous somatosensory connections are represented as being smaller, whilst body regions rich in sensory or motor connections are perceived as being large. The result of this is a distorted human figure in which the varying features and body have grown or shrunk. This creates what, Dr Penfield Wilder called a ‘Grotesque figure’. The word Homunculus is Latin for "little man". My Homunculus can be used as visual teaching aids and are used by many of the world's top Universities and educational establishments. All my little men are crafted to museum quality, fully insured and delivered at standard commercial rates. |